French Connections

Remember five years ago? We do - 2018 was the year in which Wir Sind Ohana was born - not in Berlin, not in Munich or Frankfurt but in Paris during French Touch Dreamin.

The community groups in Berlin and Munich were doing regular events with up to 100 people, Frankfurt was just getting started with their own group. We felt the German community had matured and was ready for something of its own.

With great events like French Touch Dreamin, Czech Dreamin, Dream Olé and YeurDreamin' as models, we were inspired to get something rolling in Germany, too.

Yet another Dreamin' Event?

Then came doubts. Paris, Prag, Amsterdam - those cities are around the corner, reachable within a few hours of train ride. Did continental Europe really need yet another Dreamin' Event of the same kind?

At that time we felt: No, it did not.

But what could we do differently? Time passed. We tossed a few ideas including attaching Wir Sind Ohana to one of the existing events. Why not work together?

We were debating to offer hands-on deep dives into technical platform features - content and learning that does not easily fit into a 40 minute session. We reached out to a few people and got very motivating feedback.

Ein Podcast von der deutschen Community für die deutsche Community

Then came Corona. It put a halt on Wir Sind Ohana as event and a halt to in person events in general. It also paved the way for the podcast of the same name. For those in the unknown: the podcast is one of its own kind, as it is the only German language podcast exclusively on Salesforce topics.

We never really showed ambition to record episodes regularly and time passed again. The last episodes dates back a few months already and the final cut of our newest recording is still in the making.

Will it reveal why Wir Sind Ohana is back with a real Dreamin' Event this time? Will it tell you what happened so that we can all meet and have a jolly good time in May 2024? No.

Part II of this article will, though.

And just so you know: The mentioned podcast episode in the making contains its own big reveal. For real.