What's your name, please?

Nora Nicklis

Nora Nicklis (c) Nora Nicklis

What brought you to Wir Sind Ohana?

My passion for Salesforce and connecting with people.

Any previous experience in organizing such an event? 

Nope, none :)

How many Dreamin events did you visit yourself? Do you have a favorite? Why?

Not that many to be very honest.
The one that is most present in my memory is the Architect Dreamin in Prague last year. It had a great balance of networking and really good talks/workshops. I think what I liked the best was the fact that it wasn't only talks but also interactive sessions.

What's your favorite trailhead character?

Codey and Ruth.


Codey: Because I think he can give great hugs.
Ruth: Because I love that Salesforce chose a female character to represent the Architects! We need more women in the industry.

How does a typical workday look for you?

There is no such thing as a typical workday for me :)
One day it's delivering a training or facilitating a workshop, on others it's participating in meetings or trying to come up with a good solution design for a client.

What are your responsibilities for Wir Sind Ohana?

Besides supporting where I can, I'll be in charge or coordinating the volunteers for the big day.

Any tips for visitors? 

Come and stay the weekend in Berlin, it's a great city. There are many fun things to do here. Going to Escape rooms is amongst my favorites, if you need tips, let me know ;D