The previous blog post explained how, during the pandemy, Wir Sind Ohana turned form an idea for a German Salesforce community conference into a German podcast on Salesforce topics instead.

What changed?

Since there is a Ticket Sale for Wir Sind Ohana 2024 and a Call for Speakers it is obvious that something must have changed. What brought us from "No conference" to "Yes, conference"? Looking back, it was as the German saying goes:

Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein
(Little strokes fell big oaks)

A big push from Architects

As you might have noticed, the first rendition of Wir Sind Ohana is closely cooperating with Yeur Architect Dreamin'.

Before Covid, Daniel Stange had already helped putting Skiforce together and when in person events were possible again, he also got involved with Yeur Architect Dreamin' as a co-organizer. At last year's event in Prague the decision was made that this year's event should happen in Germany.

That felt like an excellent opportunity to re-visit our thoughts on organizing a conference.

A bigger push from the Community

Also, this happened: pretty much everywhere we went, we were asked about two things.

  • When will the next episode of the Podcast be published?
  • When will there be a German community event?

Believe it or not, we were asked those questions all around the globe. Our community members asked at meetings, people at Dreamin' events asked, even people at Dreamforce asked us these two questions for two years in a row.

"Yet another" Dreamin' Event?

The format of Dreamin Events has been successful for years. Why force ourselves to change it? Were we, maybe, too critical in the past?

In any case, Wir Sind Ohana, we realized, could not turn out to be 'yet another Dreamin' Event'. It is going to be an unique Dreamin' Event.

We will help to make this event special but mostly you - our guests, speakers, and sponsors - will make the event unique. We are simply facilitating.

BFM. Berlin, Frankfurt, or Munich?

Where would a German event take place? In a big city in the middle like Frankfurt am Main? In the capital, Berlin? At the opposite end of Germany, Munich? And, legally speaking, who will be organizing the event? Be liable, pay the bills and deal with German Tax Laws?

Tough questions and a tougher decisions. On which we will elaborate on in part III of this series.